Top 5 Small Business Podcasts from Houston, Texas

Would you rather spend time reading and researching about tips on how to increase your market reach or listening to an experienced leader share their first-hand tricks and lessons on how they grew their business?

Welcome to the convenient world of podcasts. You get to nourish your mind with original audios as you drive to work, take a tea break, or relax on a Sunday afternoon.

Check out these the top 5 small entrepreneurship podcasts:

1. Entrepreneur On Fire

Do you want further insight into taxation issues surrounding your firm? Need workable steps towards building your eCommerce brand? Then Entrepreneur On Fire is a must-have resource for your business growth, featuring thousands of interviews on entrepreneurship.

This is a top-rated podcast generating a six-figure income to the founder, John Lee Dumas. Typical topics include ‘How to Become a Vision-Driven Leader by Mike Hyatt’ and ‘Build a Lucrative Business with No Ideas, No Money, and No Expertise with Dane Maxwell.’

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2. Social Pros Podcast

Entrepreneurs and business owners looking to take advantage of all that social media has to offer can stop right here. While some companies are opting for influencer marketing in a way to reach their target audience, there's still a place for tips and tricks relating to social media promotions?

The Social Pros Podcast features experts who use social media for growth. It's even been ranked one of the best in the Content Marketing Awards. Typical topics include digital marketing, content marketing, and customer experience.

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3. Working Wisdom

Are you an enterprise student transitioning to becoming a small enterprise owner? Get valuable tips on how you can maintain a school, life, and work balance, especially in the formative years of your firm.

The Working Wisdom is an initiative by the C.T. Bauer College of Business at the University of Houston. Here, you get inspirational talks, practical tips, and conversations by existing career persons. Most interviews focus on higher learning, career paths, and women in business, working families, entrepreneurship, and resource tools for the college.

Typical downloads include conversations on succeeding in business growth as an introvert and dealing with mental health stigma. They feature company leaders in Houston who are alumni of the Bauer College of Business including James Hong (BBA ’05), who is the chief operating officer at Be a Champion Inc.

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4. Cool Things Entrepreneurs Do

Looking for tips on how your small business can survive a recession? Or, how, as an enterprise leader, you can steer your company and come out victorious in a crisis. Then, you need to check out Thom Singer’s 'Cool Things Entrepreneurs Do' podcast.

Thom started his career in the restaurant sector, discovering the importance of creating custom experiences for each client. He stepped out on the speaking circuit and never looked back. In 2018, Thom gave a TEDx talk on ‘The Art of Giving Small: Compounded Generosity.’

The Cool Things Entrepreneurs Do focus on interviewing small enterprise owners talking about things like networking, goal setting, marketing, and logistics.

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5. StartUp

Did you launch your company recently? Then, get tips on how to start and stimulate your business growth. In particular, learn the latest investor pitches that will secure the funding you want. The StartUp webcast by Gimlet Media presents real-life documentaries about entrepreneurship. Also, it has a five-star rating in the entertainment circles.

Since its launch in 2014, the platform has released millions of audios, earning it the Gracie Award and the Gerald Loeb Award for Distinguished Business and Financial Journalism. Some of the famous episodes on Startup include ‘How Not to Pitch a Billionaire’ and The Marketing Showrunners. The events enjoy at least one million listens per month.

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BONUS - The Mike Thakur Show

Since we published this blog post, our founder, Mike is on season 2 of his own show that's now available on all major podcast platforms. If you're interested in Entrepreneurship from a faith based viewpoint, go take a listen and show him some love!

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For an entrepreneur who rarely has time to listen to his favorite corporate radio shows when they go on air, podcasts provide a convenient alternative. This way, you can always select the content that interests you and then listen to it at your convenient time. Now, smartphone penetration makes it easier to enjoy the audios in Houston. Hence, if your sales strategy is on a survival mode, it’s time to venture into webcasting as your new mode of branding.


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