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Meet Tim with The Entertainment Company - Awesome Lodger!

We chatted with Time Looney of The Entertainment Company. You're going to want to read this!

Welcome to the first of a new series of blog posts we're launching to spotlight some of our amazing WorkLodge members and tell a little more of their story so that others can learn from their experiences. For our first post in this series, we're chatting with Tim Looney of The Entertainment Company, business owner for 30 plus years and a wealth of insight and wisdom in his socks, shoes, shirt pockets and anywhere else he might look!

What is your full name?

Tim Looney

What is your company name?

The Entertainment Company

How did you get into THIS line of business?

I was a drummer in bands for years traveling all over the country. One day I was offered job with an entertainment agent who was booking my band at the time and it sounded like a  great idea to me back then. That's how it all began!

How would you describe the early years?

The early years for me were great because live entertainment was very popular at that time and every club, Hotel, restaurant, organization and bar booked live entertainment 5-7 days a week (and did for years after that).

What challenges did you face then? What would you do differently?

The only challenges then were having enough time to get everything booked :).I wouldn't have done anything differently, I was just really busy and worked for an excellent agency. Then, I went out on my own in 1986 and moved to Dallas, managing two bands and getting paid well.

How has The Entertainment Company grown? How have you evolved with the marketplace?

It grew for 30 years then bam! The internet arrived and the popularity of live entertainment went South. From 2004 it's been a different landscape.

What advice would you give to someone else starting out in this industry today?

LOL in this industry today? I wouldn't. The whole business has died slowly but it's still good for me due to the years of experience I've been able to gain and the contacts I've made (and had for 20 years+). It was a glorious time for me until about 2005 but since then, things have slowly changed. I'm one of the only ones still standing and doing as much as I'm doing. That's because I still get in the office 5 days week and still find, and book great talent to stay on top of my business.

What's been your biggest regret?

I don't really have one as far as being an agent. My biggest disappointment is how today's society has evolved and doesn't seem to want live bands, shows or entertainment as much. The phone and computer have brought in tremendous change.

What's been your biggest success?

Booking a lot of National Acts from 1986-2005 for the Taste of Dallas festival, for the whole weekend, 4 years straight in Downtown Dallas was one. The ROTC Biker Rally in Austin for 10 years filled with National Acts, the Grapevine Festival in Richardson, Texas for 3 years and most recently a wedding in Houston at Tillman Fertitta's new Post Oak Hotel. That wedding booked over $750,000 in entertainment!

Yes I thought the same thing you are thinking right now.

Did you raise any funds to start The Entertainment Company and if so, how?

I book a lot of Galas and Fund Raisers, or should I say use to but no, I didn't need to raise Venture Capital or anything like that.

If you had to sum up your experience as an entrepreneur / business owner in one sentence, what would it say?

A lot of work, a lot of rewards, and fun.

Learn more about Tim or get in touch, The Entertainment Company