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Chirag Gupta Explains Why Texas Is The Best Place For Business

NoD Coworking Space Texas

Working from home can quickly wear on a person. It's not as glamorous or productive as many would think, and boredom can quickly set in for even the most introverted people. Thankfully a new concept in working on your own or in small teams has emerged.

A Revolutionary New Concept

Created by free-spirited entrepreneurs who believe in the power of collaboration, working together with like-minded individuals in an open space is definitely a revolutionary idea. Many people today have moved away from the corporate work environment in order to become a freelancer. You might be a consultant, graphic designer, webmaster or involved in any of a number of different industries. Whatever the case might be, you have decided to go about making money on your own, and you're driven by success. You're not alone. There are millions of people just like you throughout the globe, with thousands of those working each and every day across Texas.

Working Alone Limits Creativity

There is a reason that many corporations around the world transformed the work environment into a series of team-oriented stations. People work better when they collaborate with one another. That goes for freelancers as well. Instead of working at your own desk day in and day out, change it around and go for a coworking space. This affords you the flexibility to come and go as you wish and combines that with the added benefit of having other like-minded individuals working alongside you.

The Concept Explained

When freelancing first began to really take off, it seems that they were relegated to the coffee shops of the world. While there's nothing wrong with a cup of coffee to go alongside your working day, the noise is not really conducive to conducting important business. It also does not convey the image that you're looking for. In addition, you need to be in a space where you're driven to succeed. This happens when you're surrounded by people with the very same ambitions and goals in life that you have.

As a growing company in the Dallas, Texas, area, NoD Coworking has the same passion for local businesses to succeed that WorkLodge has. They're growing and would love to have you as a part of a growing network of entrepreneurs and freelancers. If you've never thought about this concept in business before, give it a try. You'll likely notice your productivity and efficiency increase in the first month alone.

NoD Coworking (pronounced "node") is 15,000 square feet of awesomeness in Dallas, founded in 2014. Chirag Gupta is the founder and has a background in music, engineering, business, linguistics, and economics. He is passionate about coworking and executive office suites, and was gracious enough with his time to do an interview with us.

What are the best things about coworking compared to a traditional office space?:

Coworking spaces are collaborative by design. They encourage eye contact and formation of new friendships and connections whereas a traditional office is designed to keep employees inside of their silos.

Do you host events for your community?:

Yes, our community puts on three events each year: CoFounders Lab, Startup Weekend, and NoDCon.

What is your favorite coworking space you have been to in a different city?:

I really liked Church & State in Salt Lake City and 1871 in Chicago.

What is working best for your marketing right now?:

The best marketing for us is word of mouth. And that starts with our own community members sharing our space with their friends and colleagues.

What is your biggest differentiator compared to other coworking spaces?:

Our biggest differentiator is our focus on professional education. In addition to being a 24/7 coworking space, we also offer classes on digital marketing, computer programming, and app development.

What is the toughest decision you've had to make in the last few months?:

The toughest decision was probably hiring. Hiring our first full-time employee was tough because we really wanted to find someone who was a culture fit. Thankfully after interviewing several candidates over a few months, we have found the perfect person!

If it was possible, what advice would you give yourself 10 years ago?:

Don't worry about how your career looks to outsiders. Just focus on doing your best work in the field you love.

Favorite place to travel to?:

New Orleans.

What are some of the best things about your coworking community?:

The inside jokes.

What book are you most likely to give as a gift?:


Do You have a favorite app or online tool?:


Any business ideas that you would love for someone else to start?:

An app or website for musicians that lets people publish when and where they're having a jam session.

Do you have any advice for new business owners?:

Once you're making a profit, document your key business processes. This will make it so much easier to hire and delegate tasks later on.

We provide beautifully crafted workspaces to entrepreneurs, small & large businesses, and remote workers. We aren’t just a coworking space, we’re a gathering of like-minded entrepreneurs who inspire and encourage. Oh, and of course Texas loves us, we’re born and raised right here in Houston. Visit us in Vintage Park or The Woodlands.